Creative Problem-Solvers

Discovery Icon


  • To budget
  • On time
  • Within project scope
  • Capturing opportunity
Design Icon


  • Identify/solve problems
  • Capture savings
  • Well-managed time line
  • Identify project scope
Build Icon


  • Highly qualified workforce
  • Save time and money
  • Respected in industry
  • Quality workmanship

A Top Value Engineering Firm

Accurate and Competitive Bids Icon

Bid Process:

  • Honest
  • Thorough
  • Thoughtful
  • Competitive
Highly Qualified Workforce Icon

Our Workforce Brings:

  • Commitment
  • Problem-solving
  • Highly qualified skills
  • Energetic motivation

Respected in Chicagoland & NW Indiana Icon

Reputation for:

  • Adding value in every phase
  • Responsive round the clock
  • Quality materials, workmanship
  • Broad project view

 Current on Codes & Standards

Detailed Analysis Icon

We approach analysis from multiple perspectives

  • Up-to-date on codes
  • Creative thinking
  • Innovative problem solving
  • Thorough examination
Options & Guidance Icon

We will work to provide viable solutions:

  • Straight-forward discussion
  • Reliable pricing
  • 28+ years experience
  • Industry support
Quality Workmanship Icon

Quality work for your retrofit

  • The right materials
  • Best processes
  • Safety focus
  • We stand behind our work

Lists and Professional Credentials

A City of Chicago WBE Contractor Serving Chicagoland and Northern Indiana

Green Advantage
Women's Business Enterprise Logo

A Valued Construction Partner or Design/Build Contractor

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